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Zectas Volume VI: The Delusive Realm of Mictlan Read online

Page 12

  “Yeah, yeah,” said Ligon. “It was just one time. Who would have known that it works on guys too?”

  All of the Decane Members except for Comataz lowered their heads. The Djinn looked straight into the tall Vampire, unimpressed.

  “Matz? What are you doing?” asked Magikera. “Do you want to be his slave?”

  “Djinns are unaffected by such parlor tricks like Charm,” replied a confident Comataz.

  “Whatever!” said Magikera, staring at Comataz’s casted shadow on the icy floor. “Let’s just kill this stupid Vamp and get our loot.”

  “How dare you speak to Lord Mosfartu like that!” exclaimed Filou.

  “Mosfartu? Why does that name sound familiar?” asked Atiman, recalling. His head still looking down, as he made sure to avoid direct eye contact with the monster.

  “Who cares, we’ve already killed dozens of Vamps,” went on Magikera. “Who could keep track of their names?”

  “Oh, so you’ve fought other Vampires before?” asked Mosfartu. “By any chance did you meet my younger brother? He’s name is Nosferatu?”

  “That’s it!” exclaimed Atiman. “Everyone, remember that one vampire that has a strong paralysis attack with its fangs? I think this one might have something similar—”

  Yet, before Atiman could finish his warning, an alarming noise came from the monster’s location.


  Mosfartu let out a puffy green cloud from under his black velvet cloak. He then transformed into a small bat and circled around the Decane members.

  – [PARALYZED] caused by Mosfartu’s Egg Bomb

  A split second after they read the notification window, Amahan and his entire party succumbed to the odorous green cloud. Their bodies froze, only their eyes remained free to look around with fear and disgust. Even the mighty Djinn – Gahoul Comataz fell victim to Mosfartu’s Egg Bomb attack.

  Then, the Vampire Lord reverted back to his humanoid form. He leered at his unmoving victims, as he gave them a malicious look. With a snap of his fingers, all of them fell down on the snow-blanketed floor.

  Their life bars were still at full capacity, but what good was that? None of them could move. They were nothing but helpless cows, waiting to be slaughtered.

  “I’ve never seen a Djinn this small before. I thought it would be bigger,” Mosfartu said to Filou. “Fetch me one of my corked bottles, I’ll have this Djinn’s special blood age a bit,” he commanded his servant.

  “As you command, Master,” replied Filou with a bow, giddily running towards the exit.

  While waiting for Filou’s return, Mosfartu took his sweet time examining each one of his victims inside his green veil of stench. Not one of the Decane members could see their comrades, concealed by the repugnant cloud.

  “Bet this one will taste bad,” he said as he floated over to Ligon. “It looks like a stick is up his ass.”

  The Death Knight’s eyes grew wide with rage, but that was all the movement Ligon could muster.

  Mosfartu then drifted over to Baskog. “Pfft, this one looks like an idiotic lumberjack,” he said then shook his head.

  “Hmm… this one looks promising. It seems to have that experienced taste,” he said as he hovered next to Atiman. “But he’s a Shadow Priest, ick!” he added and formed a disgusted face.

  Suddenly, Mosfartu began licking his lips. “What’s that?” he said, completely ignoring Amahan. “Something smells sweet.” He then floated towards Magikera. “Ah! There you are my dear,” he said to her, as he lifted her up with a mere gesture of his hand.

  Mosfartu shivered with ecstasy. “Mm… It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone like you,” he said to Magikera. Tears began trickling down her cheeks, as her eyes pleaded with him. “Don’t worry,” he said innocently. “I won’t make you suffer.” He gave her a winsome smile and a wink. “Besides, I could never stop once I start with someone as succulent as you!”

  Without another word, Mosfartu ripped the turtleneck of her black jumpsuit and sank his fangs into her nape.

  Magikera’s life bar was drained at blinding speed.

  Mosfartu then dropped her spent body on the snowy floor, a few drops of blood dripped down from the side of her neck.

  “Now, who should I eat next?” lustily said Mosfartu, tilting his head as he looked at his victims.


  Suddenly, Atiman’s Ultima Pugna blessing on Magikera activated. Her lifeless body floated upward. Then, a powerful gust of wind turned into a tornado and blasted everyone inside the green puffy cloud away. All of them were damage for 100,000 points, but it also dispelled Mosfartu’s paralysis. Finally, Magikera’s body faded out of existence, as she was forcibly logged out of Zectas.

  “What the crap!” screeched Mosfartu.

  Yet, before the Vampire Lord could do anything, a silver-crossed shield and a skull shield came at him from opposite directions. Mosfartu was squashed and stunned for three seconds.

  “A stick up my ass, huh?” screamed Ligon, drawing his blood-sucking sword over his shoulders. “Let’s see how you like a taste of your own medicine!” he shouted and plunged his sword into the Vampire’s shoulder, draining Magikera’s blood out of his system.

  Meanwhile, Baskog bellowed. “You killed her! Now, I can’t see her for another twenty-four hours! You know we only meet online!” He then repeatedly hacked his double-headed ax onto Mosfartu’s right arm.

  Then, came Comataz’s turn. He stretched out his black-feathered arms and directed his talons to the dazed Mosfartu. “I maybe a shadow of my true form, but let me show you what a tiny Djinn can do!” yelled Comataz. He then let out an icy blue light and froze the Vampire Lord’s lower body. He left Mosfartu’s upper half exposed, which allowed Baskog and Ligon to hack away.

  “Duis Zamia!” yelled out Atiman as he blessed Amahan with double damage on his next attack. “Baskog, Ligon, pull back!” he yelled.

  After the Night Templar and Death Knight stepped aside, Amahan bashed his war-scepter into Mosfartu’s cranium. “Interficientis!” he yelled out, dealing 600,000 damage points on the undead. “I’ll teach you not to ignore me!” howled the Exorcist.

  Mosfartu’s life bar revealed (3,200,000/4,000,000 HP).

  The Vampire Lord then let out another one of his paralyzing attacks.


  Again, a puffy green cloud came out from behind Mosfartu’s black velvet cloak. However, Comataz’s block of ice completely contained the Vampire’s Egg Bomb attack.

  With Atiman continuously blessing Amahan with Duis Zamia, and Baskog and Ligon dishing out melee damage with their double-headed ax and blood-sucking sword, the trapped Mosfartu could only last for another two minutes.

  Then, Amahan struck down his war scepter for the last time.

  + You have dealt a fatal blow to the Vampire Lord: Mosfartu

  + You have killed the Vampire Lord: Mosfartu

  + You and your party members have gained 5,000,000 XP

  “Find his underling!” commanded Amahan, pointing to the direction where Filou was headed to earlier.

  After a few seconds, the vanquished Vampire Lord left something in its remains. Amahan picked it up and inspected it.

  + Acquired unique cape: The Egg Bomb

  “Atiman, you deal with this,” he said, throwing the black velvet cape to the Shadow Priest.

  All of a sudden, a special notification popped up.

  † [GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT] Patch <6.29.16> Update:

  > Oracle of Aphend will be created in all capital cities of each kingdom.

  “Hey? Are you seeing this?” Amahan asked Atiman.

  “Yeah, I see it too,” replied Atiman.

  “Have you read about this in the forums?” asked Amahan.

  Atiman could only shake his head in response, as he kept rereading the global notification.

  “Really? That’s a first,” said Amahan. “I thought you knew everything about the Zectas updates.”

  “Me too,” replied
Atiman. “We better head back to the capital and check this out.”

  * * * * * *

  Two weeks had passed since the disappearance of Nash’s Grandmother. Every day he traveled to the police station and the hospital. His mind would not allow him any peace, forcing him to keep moving.

  Today, on this windy summer afternoon, Nash and Donny were at the police station.

  “I’m sorry, but there haven’t been any new updates,” said Detective Malear.

  “Nash, let’s go home,” said Donny. “I’m sure they’ll call us when they find something.”

  Nash ignored his younger brother and turned to the Detective instead. “What about the compiled videos from the traffic lights?”

  Detective Malear let out a deep sigh. “As I told you before, we found nothing on the cameras.”

  “Except for the two minutes that went missing,” said Nash.

  “Yes, I already told you. The hackers also got to the cameras from traffic lights,” said Detective Malear. “But other than that, I’m afraid we don’t have any other leads.”

  Then, a middle-aged man walked into the Missing Persons Division.

  “Excuse me, I was told I’d find Nash Smoak here,” said Kohle.

  “You mean the regular?” asked one of the Detectives. “The kid’s right over there,” he said, pointing to Detective Malear’s desk.

  “You already call him a regular?” asked Kohle.

  “He’s been here every day,” said the Detective.

  “That’s sad,” said Kohle.

  “Hey, it’s still better here than him being in the Homicide Department,” added the Detective.

  “Of course,” said Kohle. “Thanks,” he said and headed towards Nash.

  “Mr. Kohle?” asked a surprised Nash. “What are you doing here?”

  “Your brothers asked for my help,” replied Kohle. “I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult this must be for you, but you have to put it together,” he paused and patted Donny’s shoulder. “At least, do it for them.”

  “Yeah,” chimed in Donny. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up on finding Mima, but she would want us to think about our everyday lives.”

  “Exactly,” said Kohle. “And I doubt that your minimum number of views will be enough to pay your bills.”

  “My video!” exclaimed Nash, as the realization sunk in. “I still have time to submit one for this month, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course, you still have time,” said Kohle. “And the timing is great too,”

  “Why?” asked Donny.

  “Apparently, they’ve released a new patch,” replied Kohle. “Some new oracle or something? Not really sure what it’s about though.” He then turned to Nash. “So? What do you say? Like Donny said, going back to Zectas doesn’t mean you’re giving up on your Mima.”

  Nash reluctantly nodded his head. “Alright, I’ll get back online.”

  “Good,” said Kohle with a smile. “How about I give you boys a ride to your house?”

  “Thanks, that would be awesome,” said Donny.

  But before they left, Nash spoke to Detective Malear once more. “Please, call me when you find something new.”

  “Absolutely, you’ll be the first to know,” replied Detective Malear.

  “Ready to go?” asked Kohle and ushered the Smoak brothers out the Missing Persons Division.

  As soon as they stepped out of the police station, Kohle’s phone went off. He looked at it and formed a disturbed face.

  “Excuse me. I have to take this,” said Kohle. “Don’t worry it’ll be really quick.”

  After walking some distance from Nash and Donny, Kohle answered his phone. “I’ve already convinced him to get back to the game. So, let me see that she’s alright.”

  A picture of Nash’s Grandmother was then sent on his phone.

  “Why are you doing this?” asked Kohle.

  “Just tell Nash that his Mima is well taken care of,” replied the one on the other end of the call.

  Chapter Four:

  Swamp Meet

  Smoke woke up and found himself in the grassy plains between Nadaya Village of the Vitzytl Kingdom and Tacitl City of the Thanotl Kingdom. He then sent a signal of his arrival, informing Igniz and Daga that he had returned.

  ‘It’ll probably take some time before they get here,’ he thought and looked around the area.

  While waiting for Igniz and Daga to arrive, Smoke thought to call Sierra.

  “Hey,” said Smoke.

  “Hey! You’re back online!” replied an excited Sierra on the other end of the call.

  “Yeah, Mr. Kohle convinced me to,” said Smoke. “I sent you a message on your phone, but I know that you’d still be playing now.”

  “Yeah, we’ve been doing this special project,” replied Sierra.

  “What kind?” asked Smoke.

  “Um. They’ve sort of asked me to keep it a secret,” answered Sierra. “Let’s just say it’s a surprise for when you return.”

  “Oh, alright,” said Smoke, intrigued.

  “Anyway, I’m really glad you decided to come back,” said Sierra. “Is it okay if I come by your house after this? About twelve hours in-game time?”

  “Yeah, sure,” replied Smoke. “Just send me a message on my game pod.”

  “Great! See you later,” said Sierra and ended the call.


  After talking to Sierra, he decided to look around the plains and breath in the sense of reality in this virtual world.

  Farther down, he spotted thousands of horned rabbit foraging through the plains. They were digging up the wild carrots buried underground.

  ‘That sure takes me back,’ he thought, as he remembered how he detested these adorable monsters when he hunted ten thousand of them.

  It took him a few days, but it was all worth the grind. Now, he depended on the two great abilities he got out of it: the Agility of the Horned Rabbit and the Hyper Jump Ability.

  However, the horned rabbits’ leisure rummaging for food came to an abrupt end. Sand cheetahs stormed by the hundreds, picking up a large dust cloud behind them.

  Smoke created a small dome with peepholes and encapsulated himself within it. Concealed from the monsters, he observed what kind of encounter would happen between them.

  As the sand cheetahs drew closer, most of the horned rabbits scrambled for their burrows. Yet, close to half of the horned rabbits stayed behind. The tiny monsters formed small clusters and tensed their long hind legs as they waited for the incoming predators.


  A loud noise erupted as the two groups met. Each sand cheetah took a horned rabbit by the neck. Sharp teeth gnawed on the furry little creatures who held their ground.

  Despite seeing one of their fellow horned rabbits being mauled to death, the other furry monsters grabbed the opportunity and stabbed the sand cheetah with their sharp horns.

  The targeted sand cheetahs yelped in pain, and their life bars went down by 15%. Not only that but they also delayed the arrival of the other sand cheetahs, as the one they attacked kept on moving around and blocked the path of its companions. Due to this, the escaping horned rabbits safely reached their burrows.

  Yet, the dauntless horned rabbits could not prevent the inevitable. As more sand cheetahs arrived, the attacking furry monsters were picked off one by one.

  Smoke already knew the outcome, but was impressed by the valiant effort of those horned rabbits that remained.

  Now, less than a third of their original numbers were left.

  Moved by their bravery, Smoke destroyed his earth-dome and created deep trenches in front of the surviving horned rabbits.

  The sand cheetahs in the back were caught unaware and fell into his trap.

  Smoke then created magma-spikes inside the trenches, burning and impaling the sand cheetahs simultaneously. He then got out his Salamander’s Tongue and turned on its blazing flames. Using his Hyper Jump ability, he reached the area where a few horned r
abbits still held on.

  It only took two slashes from his fiery flamberge to slaughter one of the predators.

  Amidst his swordplay against the sand cheetahs, a notification window popped up.

  + Level UP!

  You have 10 stat points ready for distribution.

  Your HP has increased by 8,200.

  Your mana has increased by 8,200.

  Fame has increased by 1.

  Smoke grinned when he saw the window. He knew that he only needed a few more XP for him to level up.

  However, he did not rejoice just yet. He resumed his fight against the sand cheetahs who were not caught in his trap.

  In less than three minutes, Smoke had finished off the entire coalition of sand cheetahs.

  As Smoke was picking up some of the dropped sand cheetah meat, the horned rabbit survivors huddled together and slowly backed away from him. All of the furry little monsters were trembling. Their wide glistening eyes stared at him, unaware of what was happening.

  After placing the sand cheetah meat in his inventory, Smoke gave them a small nod and leaped up to glide away. He could not face the horned rabbits, as he himself had killed thousands of them in the past.

  He knew that the sand cheetahs would come back and that the cycle would only repeat itself, but he could not help it. He felt it was the only thing he could do to atone for what he had done to them in the past.

  ‘Why am I getting emotional over this?’ he asked himself as he flew further away.

  There was no one there to answer him, but deep down inside he knew. It was because of his Mima’s abduction that he was so unsettled.

  Gliding at the height of two hundred feet, Smoke felt no significant changes in the virtual reality world of Zectas. Yet, it had already been close to two months from the last time he was here. The blue skies and puffy clouds temporarily filled his heart with solace.