Zectas Volume VI: The Delusive Realm of Mictlan Page 18
“I even saw Faux’s name appear on that stupid thread ‘Tristan versus Amahan versus Smoke’,” added Tritank. “If the stupid masses should be talking about any rising star, they should be talking about me!”
It took all of Smoke’s self-control not to attack Tritank right then and there. Fortunately, King Kajou loudly cleared his throat and stroke his long nose hair and beard.
“Enough with the banter!” commanded King Kajou, silencing everyone in the room. “We’re here to discuss the Orks. So, Prince Matalim, please proceed with the Intelligence you have kindly brought to us.”
“My pleasure, King Kajou,” replied Prince Matalim. “To recap, we have learned that the OlegHai Generals Dastard and Snide have joined with the UrukHai and the MoriHai Tribes.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Trottel loudly clicked his tongue, but drawing no one’s attention to him.
“When the three tribes joined together, they elected the UrukHai General Wertlosvati to be their Supreme General,” added Prince Matalim. “Provided that Generals Dastard and Snide of the OlegHai Tribe would be their strategists.”
“Pfft, like having an Ork strategist would do anything for them,” said Trottel.
“Could you just— Shh!” Tritank said to Trottel, signaling the Lioumerean Prime Wizard to shut his mouth with his fingers from across the table.
Normally, Smoke would have sided with anyone who would scream at Trottel, but this time, he wanted to protect him from an even bigger pain in the ass.
“Duke Tritank, please keep your voice down,” reprimanded Prince Matalim.
“Trottel, shut up!” said King Kajou simultaneously.
“I’m sorry your, Majesty,” said Trottel, lowering his head before King Kajou.
“Fine! I’ll be quiet,” replied Tritank to Prince Matalim.
With that, the strategy room fell silent again.
“Now, if everyone will allow me to continue,” began Prince Matalim once more. “Dastard and Snide’s first act as the united Ork’s strategist was that they sent Wertlosvati to recruit the last Ork tribe, the MaduHai Orks.”
Prince Matalim paused and turned to face Trottel and Tritank. The two of whom remained silent and behaved.
“Now, my sources told me that Wertlosvati was successful in this endeavor,” added Prince Matalim with a grim expression. “It appears that our worst fears have come to reality. All four Ork tribes have banded together.”
“Ahem! Excuse me,” said Smoke.
“Faux! You better say something that will win this war or I’ll make an example out of you for interrupting this meeting,” threatened King Kajou.
“Actually, it is,” replied Smoke, taking out his MaduHai Emissary Emblem. “I come here not only as one of your Generals but also as a representative of the MaduHai Orks.”
“What! Are you betraying us?” King Kajou screamed at Smoke.
Tritank, who was nearest to the King got showered with some of King Kajou’s saliva, which he had to wipe off his face.
“Of course not,” replied Smoke. “The MaduHai Orks want nothing to do with the other Ork tribes,” he turned from King Kajou to Prince Matalim, hoping that they would understand the plight of Meneur and her village. “In fact, they’ve decided to withdraw their support to Wertlosvati, provided that the two Kingdoms won’t attack them but protect them instead.”
“Hmmp! Well, isn’t that convenient,” said King Kajou. “Are you sure this isn’t some sort of trap?”
“My thoughts exactly, your Majesty!” chimed in Tritank. “How can we be sure that this is legit?”
At this point, Eleve loudly raised her voice. “Faux, hand over that Ork Emblem,” she said, motioning for Smoke’s symbol of being their emissary.
“Sure,” replied Smoke and gave the emblem to Eleve.
“I could put a casting circle of truth on Faux but this is more direct,” said Eleve. The Ork Emblem then floated on top of her palms and a pure white flame engulfed it. “My King, as you well know, my white flame can destroy anything that is counterfeit.”
“Of course, I have no doubts of your flames, Magietrois Florissant,” replied King Kajou.
“So what if he’s an emissary of the MaduHai Orks,” said Tritank.
“So what?” asked Eleve in the most condescending manner. “Do you need me to spell it out for you?” Without waiting for Tritank to respond she continued talking. “This means that instead of fighting all four Ork Tribes, we now only need to fight three of them. Not to mention that the MaduHai Orks have very potent healing magic.”
“Well done, Faux!” exclaimed King Kajou. “As expected of my General. You may tell the MaduHai Orks that the kingdom of Vitzytl accepts their surrender.”
Then, a quest update window popped up.
+ Quest: MaduHai P.R.O.
Ambassador Quest Updated!
Level: A++[1/2] King Kajou of the Vitzytl Kingdom has accepted the MaduHai Orks’ peace offering
Smoke was pleased with what he had read, but he needed to clarify something. “That’s great, your Majesty but they aren’t surrendering,” he boldly retorted. “They’re simply asking for a peaceful coexistence with your kingdom and the Thanotl Kingdom,” he added, turning to Prince Matalim.
“Fine! Tell them that we agree to their term of us not attacking them,” began King Kajou. “But I won’t be sending any soldiers to protect them either.”
“What about you, Prince Matalim?” asked Smoke.
“I was taught that you can only trust an Ork as far as you can throw it,” replied Prince Matalim. “But let me consider it for the moment, Sir Faux.”
Upon hearing this, Ouragan boldly raised his hand and said. “But, Prince Matalim, once Wertlosvati finds out of the MaduHai’s betrayal they will surely be their next target. We have to act now!” He then turned to face King Kajou. “Your Majesty, we must make our move and send aid to the MaduHai village.”
“Excuse me, Ouragan,” interjected Smoke. “But I agree with King Kajou on not sending any reinforcements.”
“Are you sure?” asked Eleve, surprised. “You do realize that their entire village will be annihilated if we don’t?”
“No! That won’t happen,” replied Smoke, shaking his head. “Because we’re going to strike Wertlosvati and his Orks before they can attack anyone else.”
“And how do you propose to do that?” asked Tritank. “The last known location we have of the Orks is that they’re in the Derobe Mountains. Entering their stronghold would be suicide.”
“Actually, I was planning to attack—” began Smoke but was cut off by Tritank.
“You’re actually planning to do a suicide mission, aren’t you?” accused Tritank. “Your Majesty, Prince Matalim, we shouldn’t do this. The risk is just too high!”
“Of course not,” replied King Kajou, nodding at Tritank. “Faux, you have to think of a better plan than this,” he said as he turned to face Smoke.
“Excuse me, King Kajou, Duke Tritank,” called out Prince Matalim. “But I believe that Sir Faux did not say that we should attack the Orks’ fortified mountain territory. Please, let us allow him to finish.”
Although his face was hidden by his Paradox Mask, Smoke smiled at Prince Matalim. “Thank you, Prince. As I was saying, I propose that we launch an attack one week from now in the valley of Etonner.”
“Why would we do that?” asked King Kajou. “There’s nothing there but rock coyotes, steel sheep, a few horned rabbits and sometimes sand cheetahs.”
Before Smoke could answer, The Vitzytl King stroked his nose hair and beard. “I get it!” said King Kajou. “You’re planning on increasing the levels of our men, but let me tell you right now, Faux. I’ve already thought of that.”
‘I thought Ouragan was the one who came up with that?’ Smoke wondered to himself.
“So, we don’t need to go there to train anymore,” added King Kajou.
“Um… We won’t be going there for training, your Majesty,” said Smoke. “We’re going there because a week
from now, the UrukHai, MoriHai, and OlegHai tribes will be there.”
“And how did you come by this information?” asked Prince Matalim.
“I know this because that’s where they’re supposed to join up with the MaduHai Orks,” replied Smoke.
Unexpectedly, Prince Matalim chuckled. “You should have opened with this when you spoke about the MaduHai Orks’ proposal.”
“Why?” asked Smoke, confused.
“Now that we have the upper hand on the Orks, I, Prince Matalim heir to the Thanotl Kingdom accepts the MaduHai Orks’ peace offering.”
+ Quest: MaduHai P.R.O.
Ambassador Quest Updated!
Level: A++[1/2] King Kajou of the Vitzytl Kingdom has accepted the MaduHai Orks’ peace offering
[2/2] Prince Matalim of the Thanotl Kingdom has accepted the MaduHai Orks’ peace offering>>Return to Meneur in the MaduHai Ork village to claim your reward.
“Thank you, Sir Faux!” said Prince Matalim. “Although half of our men are still lacking in training, I think that our two Kingdoms should be able to handle the Orks now.”
With that, the joint strategy meeting swiftly shifted to plan their attack on Etonner Valley.
* * * * * *
After the meeting was over, Smoke, Chrysopelea, Ouragan, and Eleve were left behind the strategy chamber as Tritank hurriedly led King Kajou and Prince Matalim out of the room by himself.
“Guess Tritank has some more stuff to talk about with the two of them,” innocently said Chrysopelea.
“What’s the deal with him anyway?” asked Smoke. “You never mentioned him when we were hunting the wyvern.”
“I know, he didn’t really stand out much when I was talking to Prince Matalim,” explained Chrysopelea, surprised. “I did overhear him mention to King Kajou and Prince Matalim about how he still needs to find a special mount to fully utilize his Hidden Job.” Then, he turned to Smoke as if he recalled something. “He also kept asking about you. I think he’s a fan,” he added, slapping Smoke’s shoulder and smiling at him. “He keeps asking me if you post videos or have a forum dedicated specially for you.”
“And what did you tell him?” asked Smoke.
“Faux? Come on, it’s me,” replied Chrysopelea, shrugging his shoulders. “Of course, I told him that you weren’t interested in any of that and that you prefer to be left alone. I even told him how you don’t have a guild.”
“I see,” replied Smoke. “Thanks, Chrys.”
“Sure, no problem,” replied Chrysopelea. “Tritank seems okay, but there’s just something about him that rubs me the wrong way, you know?”
“I know!” exclaimed Smoke. “Believe me, I know!”
Then, Eleve stood in between the two of them.
“Ouragan, why don’t you take Duke Chrysopelea and tell him about the other tasks that are expected of him,” said Eleve in a commanding tone. “Now, that he has become a Duke and a Prime Wizard at the same time.”
“Certainly, I’ll do that right away, Magietrois Florissant,” replied Ouragan. “Duke Chrysopelea, please follow me.”
“But I thought you already told me about that stuff?” asked Chrysopelea, following after Ouragan.
Before Smoke could do anything else, he was pulled into a corridor. Then, Eleve waved her elderly hands and teleported the two of them into the tallest tower of the capital – the Magietrois Tower. Only a fiery afterimage of themselves was left.
Smoke felt the now familiar tingling sensation of being teleported through the flames.
When he regained his vision, Smoke saw a massive library of books, rows of tables filled with magical items he had never seen, and floating flames which illuminated the room. Smoke removed his Paradox Mask and seconds later he caught a whiff of strong sulfur, like that of rotten eggs but it soon passed him by.
“Wow, this is my first time here,” said Smoke as he observed the massive chamber.
He then walked to one of the tower windows to look at the city below.
“I’ve never taken you here before because of—” began Eleve but her voice was abruptly cut off. She massaged her neck as she cleared her throat. “Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming an Emissary to the MaduHai Orks.”
“Oh, that!” said Smoke. “I just got lucky with that one. It was all thanks to this little fellow right here,” he explained and reached into his pocket to pull out Daga.
“Oh, my! How cute!” exclaimed Eleve, tickling Daga under her mouth.
“Hey, stop that!” squeaked Daga. “That feels weird!”
“Oh! It talks as well?” said Eleve, surprised. “But she’s a bit feisty, isn’t she?”
“Yup! I think so too,” agreed Smoke. “Anyway, is that really why you suddenly whisked me away?”
“What? Can’t a teacher want some alone time with her student?” asked Eleve, pretending to be hurt.
“Normal teachers can,” replied Smoke. “You… not so much.”
“Hmmp!” exclaimed Eleve. “Fine! You can just leave then. I really only wanted to see how you were doing.”
Smoke’s eyebrows instantly raised. ‘What game is she playing?’ he wondered. While thinking what Eleve’s angle was, he spotted a large gathering of Sonstwelters on the ground below. He used his Telefax Vision to get a better view and found that they were near a circular-structure made out of marble with Corinthian columns around it. “Um. What is that?” he asked, pointing at the building near the city square.
“Oh, that’s supposed to be some sort of oracle. But no one knows what to do with it,” replied Eleve. “It popped up a couple of days ago. I’ve never seen one before. Haven’t even read them in any of my Master’s books.”
‘That must be the update everyone’s been talking about,’ he surmised.
“Sure would be nice if I could get a look and examine it,” Smoke thought out loud.
“You want to?” asked Eleve. “I’ll tell the guards to close down the oracle for you. Is an hour enough?”
“That would be plenty!” exclaimed Smoke, excited.
“Alright, give me a couple of minutes,” said Eleve. “I’ll teleport you to the oracle once it’s done.”
Without another word, Eleve left a fiery afterimage of herself as she teleported out of the Magietrois tower.
‘Something is definitely up with her,’ thought Smoke.
Left alone, Smoke wandered around the intriguing Magietrois tower. Facing the thousands of books lined up on the shelves, he could not help himself but let out a Cheshire cat smile. He ran his hands through the myriad of books on the shelves as he scanned through the titles.
‘A Kiss to Melt a Frozen Heart’,’Warlords of Sawtorn’,’The Scattered Sisters’,’Mounted War Strategies of the Meridianus’, ‘Listen and Wait – Tricks of a Shaman’, were some of the titles he had not read before.
A slight frown covered his face as the shelves did not contain any ability tomes, but it soon faded as he realized that he was in an all you can read buffet. He chose the ‘Mounted War Strategies of the Meridianus’ and ‘Warlords of Sawtorn’ books to acquire their knowledge first.
Suddenly, he thought he noticed a small figure walked behind him. Smoke swiftly turned around but found nothing there. Nor did his Cunning of the Dire Fox pick up anyone else in the room with him. “Daga, you sense anyone else in here?” he asked the little gray mouse inside his pocket.
“Nope, it’s just us,” replied Daga. “By the way, can you—”
“Give you something to eat,” said Smoke, finishing the mouse’s sentence for her.
“Eh-hehe, if you don’t mind,” answered Daga.
Smoke grinned and gave her a sizable chunk of cheese.
“But it’s really strange. I could have sworn someone was there,” he said out loud, picking up two new books after he put the ones he finished into their proper places. “Must have been just the lights,” he said, pointing at the floating flames that were following him around.
Smoke resumed devouring the books as
the blue progress bar of each one in his hands whizzed by. While doing so, he observed the several magical items on the table. He knew that each one of them was a powerful artifact and could greatly increase his offensive power. Yet, he dared not touch any of them as he feared it would upset his Intimacy with Eleve.
After acquiring the knowledge of a few books, a notification window popped up.
+ Your total ‘Acquired Knowledge‘ has increased your Intelligence by 1.
‘Whoa! These books greatly increase my Acquired Knowledge experience bar,’ observed Smoke, placing back both books onto their respective shelves.
After picking up another set of books, he began to explore the Magietrois tower further. While walking around, Smoke found a writing on the wall. “‘Tis not light that we require but fire. ‘Tis not the gentle shower but fearsome thunder. ‘Tis through the ground that we found each other. Only through firestorms, lightning-strikes, and earthquakes do we know what it is to be alive – FMA.” he read out loud.
“I wonder what FMA stands for?” he asked his Beggar Shade.
“How the heck should I know,” squeaked Daga, nibbling on her cheese.
After reading a few more books, the same window popped up again.
+ Your total ‘Acquired Knowledge‘ has increased your Intelligence by 1.
His Intelligence increased two more times while he simply waited for Eleve to return.
Smoke turned around at the source of the crackling sound and found a fiery silhouette of Eleve, which steadily began to materialize.
“Hey, you didn’t try any of the items on the table did you?” asked Eleve as soon she completely materialized.
“Of course not!” replied Smoke. “Although, I did read several of your books but don’t worry, I put them back in their proper places.”
“Just the books, that’s all?” asked Eleve, unbelieving. “You didn’t touch anything else?”